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Writer's pictureRyan Um

Coca-Cola Tic-Tacs

Whenever you go to a grocery store, there is a section of candy and gum that entices you right before you finish your purchase. I try not to look in that direction because I tend to be easily influenced by my surroundings, and I usually have an objective when I’m in those stores. But if something looks pretty and is relatively cheap, odds are I’m going to buy it. Especially if it is food.

The last time I was at Target, I went with a friend, and she was the one who looked on the shelf and pointed out the monstrosity that was before us. The Coca-Cola Tic-Tac. They were emblazoned with a red cover with a clear section in the shape of a coke bottle so that you could see the pill shaped “mint.”

And it was also covered in dust. So, that boded well.

I purchased it immediately.

Container Design

Now, one thing that I can praise is the design of the container. It can be opened two different ways: one that made way for the whole lid to pop off and one that had the traditional small opening for one or two Tic-Tacs to come out. I appreciate them giving us more options on how to eat them because it was always a guessing game as to how many Tic-Tacs were going to come out of the container. I’ve been using the bigger opening to meticulously pick out the amount of Tic-Tacs that I want in that moment. A respite from the cascade that usually comes with the candy.

Editor’s Note: I wrote this before I researched more on the website and discovered that this was one of two containers. They still have these Tic-Tacs in the stupid small containers that never pour out the amount of Tic-Tacs you want. Seriously, it’s either one, two, or twelve. There is no in between…

Point being that I’m most likely going to use this container in the future. We love a multifunctional container on this blog.


One thing that I didn’t appreciate was the actual texture of the Tic-Tac. When you think of the texture of a traditional Tic-Tac, you think smooth. Which is appropriate. It looks smooth. It is smooth. But these Tic-Tacs have a different texture because they had a print of the Coca-Cola label on it.

At least it looks somewhat aesthetically pleasing.

It gives it a rough texture that I don’t think was the intention, but it does take away from the overall enjoyment of the product. In fact, I would go as far to say that I absolutely loathed the decision to make the print impact the texture so much. They could have literally just made them red and white. There. Crisis averted. I just really cannot understand the decision that was made here.


Now for the big question: does the Coca-Cola Tic-Tacs taste like Coca-Cola? I guess?

I’m going to be completely honest. I had a coke while eating these Tic Tacs. And I still couldn’t tell if they tasted like Coca-Cola. I mean, it must taste somewhat like Coca-Cola considering that it is one of their main ingredients, but I honestly can’t tell where the flavor is coming from. I mean, it just tastes like a regular Tic-Tac to me… But with something a little extra?

And I guess that’s what coke is right? Soda… But it’s a bit extra. I can’t really place the flavors of coke or break it down to its fundamental parts, so I guess the ambiguity in the flavor here is intentional.

If you wanted an absolute, definitive answer then yes, it does taste like coke. As much as a Tic-Tac can taste like coke.

Final Rating

6/10: I don’t think that I would really recommend this to anyone, but I’m still eating them, so they must be somewhat good. Hate the texture though.

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