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Halloween Candy 2020

Halloween. When I was a kid, it was a magical night where people just gave you free candy for wearing a stupid costume, and my parents always allowed me to sugar crash after gathering our bounty. As an adult, I now question the ritual entirely. Why are children coming to my house to bother me for candy? These thoughts in my mind have only confirmed the fact that I was most definitely an irritating child.

Some of you might be asking why I’m writing about Halloween candy in September. To those people, I say that it is already Halloween season. You can tell that the season changed because Starbucks released their Pumpkin Spice Latte, and they are the arbiters of the fall season. Obviously.

But In all seriousness, I’ve been monitoring the Halloween candy this season because I was curious about what specialty candy was going to come out this season. And the companies definitely did not disappoint; there were several different companies that came out with specialty flavors to highlight the season. And I will be going through the five different ones that I found starting with…

Cookies and Cream Twix

I’m going to be completely honest and say that Twix was never my favorite candy growing up. I always let my younger brother eat them because I didn’t really care for the flavors (I’m more of a gummy candy kind of person). Nevertheless, I was excited for the opportunity to try a different variation on the candy.

As a side note, I know that this kind of Twix has been around for a few years now, but this was the first time I’ve seen it broadcasted.

Not gonna lie, the packaging of the candy was very aesthetic. It had a metallic blue wrapper with the traditional Twix logo and the new flavor obnoxiously screaming at you from under the logo. I liked the color, not so much anything else.

It just looked like it had so much potential...

After the initial bite of the candy, it was clear that this was going to be the worst out of all the candy that I bought. Unlike the original Twix, it has a chocolate biscuit on the bottom with cookies and cream filling on top. It is still covered in the thin layer of chocolate.

I mean, I get what the candy was trying to do. It was attempting to overload your senses with chocolate and try and mellow it out with some mysterious cream, but I feel like they are trying to remake the wheel here. I would much rather have an Oreo (the perfect balance of biscuit and cream). The Twix ended up being too sweet for my tastes and it overpowered everything.

Final Rating: 2/10

Franken-Cup Reese’s

Out of all the candy, this was the one I was least excited for. It seemed like it was just going to be a regular Reese’s? I don’t even know how to explain this properly. The only difference in the cup is that the bottom has adopted this vile green color. Nothing else has changed aesthetically. At least with some of the other ones, they changed the shape of the Reese’s, but in this one, they only changed the color. And not even the color of the entire Reese’s.

My chief complaint when I eat a Reese’s (which is almost never because it is a C-tier candy. Fight me) is that the chocolate seems to stick to the bottom of the wrapping. I don’t want to be scraping off the one piece of chocolate just because they created a stupid candy that won’t even detach from the stupid wrapper… I might have too many feelings about Reese’s in general. In any case, because the bottom seemed to be made out of a different material, it was my prayer that the bottom wouldn’t stick to the wrapper…

Honestly, this was the most satisfying part of this candy escapade.

And it didn’t! This Reese’s design eliminated my personal gripe with the candy. Too bad it didn’t really matter that much in the long run. I’m still not a huge fan of the chocolate and peanut butter combination. I understand the salty/sweet combination that it is supposed to create and how to synergizes with each other, but I think that the peanut butter flavor overpowers the entire candy, which eliminates the combination.

Final Rating: 5/10 (for the amazing non-stick bottom)

Pumpkin Pie Kit Kat

One of the staples of fall has been pumpkin flavored things. Everything has to have a pumpkin flavor. There can be no exception. I fully believe that every candy will have a pumpkin flavor version in the next few years in order to keep up with the crazy pumpkin trend that doesn’t seem to be stopping.

Which is great for me because I love pumpkin flavored things.

The most disappointing thing about this Kit Kat was the fact that it didn’t come in a pair. It was only one short Kit Kat. A “Kit” if you will. However, despite its size, it delivered in an overwhelming pumpkin flavor. The first thing that happens when you open the wrapper is the smell of pumpkin pie bombarding your senses in a non-stop onslaught to conquer your senses. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if the pumpkin flavor was coming from the actual candy or the fragrance.

Why was it not two sticks in the package... A true disappointment.

Which isn’t a bad thing. Again, I am in love with almost everything pumpkin, so I thought that it smelled great. And the flavors were very similar with those of a pumpkin pie. Honestly, I had a great time with this candy. Nothing was awful about it, and I enjoyed the flavors and textures that it brought in. I would gladly suggest giving this candy a try.

Final Rating: 7/10. The only thing I would change in this solo is to make it a duet. My “Kit” needs a “Kat.”

Ghost Reese’s

I didn’t hear about novelty shaped Reese’s until my freshman year of high school. Obviously, they have been around for a a long time, I was apparently either ignorant, or just consumed the candy without thinking. Probably the ladder. However, one thing that I haven’t seen is a shaped Reese’s is a change in the recipe. These Ghost Reese’s changed up the formula.

Honestly, I didn’t have high hopes when I saw this candy on the shelves. Like I said before, I’m not a huge fan of peanut butter, but the white chocolate that it was coated with made me hopeful that it would be something different because of the higher sugar content that white chocolate tends to have. My hope was that it would mellow out the peanut butter flavor even more than the milk chocolate.

The shape is very cute! Almost felt guilty about eating it...

And for the most part I was right. This was most enjoyment I’ve ever gotten from a Reese’s ever. Because it was a whole lot sweeter, it was able to capture my taste buds in a way that I’ve never really experienced until then. I think that I was just more excited about the change of pace than anything else.

But by far the most surprising thing about this candy was the shape. Most of the novelty shaped Reese’s are shaped like amorphous blobs that are vaguely shaped like the thing they are trying to be, but these ghosts were really shaped like ghosts! They looked so good. No lie, it was the exact shape I was hoping and expecting it to be.

Final Rating: 7/10. Pleasantly surprised.

Witches Brew Kit Kat

If I’m being honest, this was the one candy out of the five that I was truly excited for. It came in a colorful purple wrapper with a nice witch design. Very much aesthetics. The witch is very cute, and the green color of the Kit Kat is intriguing. If I’m being honest, this was the main reason why I decided to a candy review in the first place.

Plus, it was a marshmallow flavored Kit Kat. In my head, it would be like the smores but without the chocolate aspect. Which is amazing (and definitely something you should experience if you haven’t done so before). It was also the most visually interesting out of all the candy that I tried as well.

After opening the wrapper, the candy showed its true colors. Its pale green with white marshmallow in between the wafer as well. It was magical.

Side note: how do you guys eat your Kit Kats? I tend to break off the Kit Kat on the center, and bit off small chunks. THEN in my mouth, I separate the layers for each individual wafer slice. This was something that I thought was common, but after asking a few of my friends what they did, I am now convinced that it isn’t the “right” way of eating a Kit Kat. Although, I guess I’m glad that I don’t eat a Kit Kat by just biting into it. Like an actual Heathen.

The color. The taste. The texture. All very good.

In any case, using my method proved useful in the end. I got to taste all the flavors and let me tell you… THIS WAS AMAZING. The white chocolate outside perfectly complimented the wafer inside. It made a beautiful medley of flavors that was only accented by the texture of the wafer. I honestly might buy way more of this candy.

Final Thoughts: 9/10: I honestly thought that this was a perfect piece of candy. I don’t think I would change anything about it.

Final Thoughts Overall

While I enjoyed myself throughout this experience, I would not recommend anyone do an experiment like this. I think that I’ve come to an age where I can’t eat that much candy anymore without having some kind of stomach issue in the future.

Although I think that most of the candy wasn’t very good, I do suggest maybe trying these out for yourself? Or if not for yourself, then maybe at some unsuspecting children during the Halloween season (that is if we even get Halloween this year…).


I did a bad thing. While I was coming up with this idea, I thought it would be a good idea to have something to go with it. Something to wash down the sugar. And what better way to wash down sugar than with alcohol! (I know, I’m a heathen)

But how would I keep it on theme? By adding something horrendous of course! It was honestly one of the worst things that I’ve ever done. Which is saying a lot considering the things that I eat for this blog. You see. I had just bought a bag of candy corn. And I also had a bunch of extra soju. So, I decided to combine the two together. And yes, I know how disgusting that sounds.

Now, I didn’t really remember to take a picture of the soju bottle (and trust me, you wouldn’t really want to see that anyways), but I let it sit for around 2 days, so the chunks of candy corn were floating around in it. And because the liquid adopted the orange color of the corn, the mixture of orange and green made it look like a monstrosity.

And do you know the worst part? It actually tasted like candy corn. I hate candy corn. I don’t understand how the candy could have dissolved so quickly. It’s actually insane. I was expecting most of the candy to be intact, but I guess it had other plans. Honestly, I guess we reap what we sow at this point because, this is exactly what was supposed to happen anyways.

Final Rating: 0/10. Don’t ever do this. I beg you all.

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Alison White
Alison White
Dec 05, 2020

You're bothered by the normal way to consume Kit-kats? Please seek professional help.


A concerned reader

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